I love that my links sent to students are now saved when I edit a lesson and that I can make changes after they are sent. However, the problem now is that it states that it is an older version after I save changes. Sometimes I like to go into my lessons in edit mode to view them, because it opens better on my screen than preview mode. Even if I make NO CHANGES, opening edit mode causes there to be an "unsaved changes" banner on the lessons in my nearpod folder. If I save those changes, it tells my students that there link is to an older version, which is confusing to them. Is it possible to create a "cancel" button in edit mode, so that if I just go in to look but don't make any changes, I can tell the system that I do not need to save the changes? Or something like "discard changes" or "Revert to saved version" on the lesson page in the three-dot drop-down? Since most of my lessons now have the "unsaved changes" banner, it is looking very messy in my lesson folder! But, if I save them, I will be getting a lot of confused students thinking they are doing an old version of the nearpod. Thanks!